Kazimieras Jakutis’ musical journey The White Wolf

Kazimieras Jakutis’ musical journey The White Wolf

About the event

I, Kazimieras Jakutis, first took to the stage with my repertoire of original songs in 2005. And this autumn I invite you, dear fans of sung poetry, to a musical journey through Lithuania. I don’t know if you are expecting something new. Are you waiting?

I’ve played for you on my own many times, I’ve played with a band… This year – neither. Neither alone nor with a group. Maybe more with a band, but acoustic: no drums, no electric guitars, no… in smaller halls. We will be able to have a more intimate conversation, to sing, to talk.

Until now, my songs have been born out of anxiety, out of “being empty”, as I try to joke myself. And this time I wrote the songs with a goal, an ambition. We want to defend the Tree, the Bird, the Beast. I want to stop the hunter’s hand. Among other things, hunting is banned in my woods and meadows, and herons in my ponds feed on the carp and crucian carp that are grown there. This is how the newly recorded song “Baltas vilkas” was born: https://open.spotify.com/album/4x2w6huAEmM6wzS2mKSRRA?si=QhYMAFwnSQaLr-4POTNC8Q.

This autumn’s musical journey will feature not only new, but also old songs, loved and sung together by you, dear friends, dedicated to the beloved Aukštaitija, to women, to the passage of time… “From that night”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhYwBRm7O-M “Naked Autumn”: https://open.spotify.com/track/2CMBdLFdhwArcbJIk9ptrY

“Don’t leave”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYp6xS4GCrQ

K. Jakutis has published 8 CD/DVDs and 2 books.

Event sponsor – https://www.lonas.lt/

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